Monthly Archives: July 2011

Lazy Days

Last Thursday I officially left Ohio. I packed up my car and three of my guy friends and I set off for Charlotte, NC. Two of our old coworkers migrated to NC to start a new, less wintery life and I wanted to see them before I make my cross country journey. What have we done here? Very little… Not that there is anything wrong with that, but waking up after 9am is not my cup of tea. Each day we’ve lazed around, eaten out, and drank to our hearts delight. (These people love their beer.)

My body feels drained. Who knew that sleeping in and being inactive could make you feel so blah. I honestly never thought I’d say this, but I miss being productive. I want to feel like I’ve accomplished something with my day. And did I mention I need to stop going out to restaurants? Yes, we’ve eaten at some fantastic places. Smores french toast? Don’t mind if I do. But the last time I saw a piece of fruit it was in the compote for my oatmeal pancake.

This girl is greatly looking forward to trekking back to my parents house and going for a run. Today we’ll caravan back towards West Virginia where I split off toward Pittsburgh. It will be another day of “vacation” before I reach my homestead and I’ll have a lot of running to make up for all this excessive living.

For the next month I’ll be a gypsy, wandering from place to place before I make the big move. Know of something exciting to do on the east coast? Let me know, I’ll be free. But hopefully it will incorporate some running or exercise so this runner doesn’t become a lazy bum.

Wordless Wednesday

It is funny how your days start running into one another when you have little to do. I was out with a friend yesterday and honestly thought it was Monday. Hopefully I can get back on track soon… Here is a little peek into my life over the past few weeks as I prepare to leave Columbus.

I do believe I mentioned that I was suckered into wearing a Bumpit at my going away party. I feel it is only appropriate to provide evidence.

And if you weren’t aware, I’m a phenomenal dancer (this picture doesn’t do it justice).

Many of my amazing friends came out to see me off. I’ll miss them dearly and hope that at least one will surprise me out in California (yes, that was a hint).

Have you ever taken professional photos? I attended a fantastic Yelp event last week and had glamour shots taken, check me out –

And now I’m feeling a bit narcissistic… Shockingly I actually like these photos of myself (that rarely happens). Yes, this will could lead into a discussion of how we feel about photos taken of ourselves, but I think I’ll save that for another day.

When was the last time you felt glamorous? How do you feel about getting your picture taken?

Just a warning, I’ll be hosting another giveaway in the next week or so and you won’t want to miss out!

Body Rocking & the SPIbelt Winner is…

Since I’m newly unemployed with little to do, I decided to check out one of the local gyms so I don’t sit on my camp chair all day. Trust me, watching Netflix and relaxing sounds like a fantastic plan, but this lazy bum needs to get up and out at least once a day. Armed with my 7-day pass I entered Lifestyle Family Fitness ready to take as many Les Mills classes I could in a week.

BodyPump was the first class I tried and I absolutely loved it. Not only is there fun music, but the instructor was a ball of energy and I got in a full body weights workout in an hour. My friend explained to me that each song focuses on a single muscle group, so I needed to select my weights accordingly. I consider myself a strong woman, yet I was getting tired after pumping out so many reps to each track. I loved the soreness I felt the next day. I definitely suggest taking BodyPump if you can. You may be sore the next day (if you push yourself to use heavier weights), but it is so worth it.

The next day I tried Zumba toning and couldn’t get into it. Less dancing than typical Zumba and the weights didn’t offer much resistance for the majority of the tracks. It was fun and up beat, but I won’t be taking that class again. Afterward I didn’t feel as if I had worked myself to my limits, I think that running would be much more effective cardio. My friend swears that regular Zumba is more fun and pressured me into trying a class tomorrow. We’ll see if that can give me a thorough workout.

And today, after a class of BodyPump, I checked out BodyFlow. Before entering the class my understanding was that it was a mixture of yoga and pilates choreographed to music. Although it did incorporate these workouts, it wasn’t at all what I expected. Several of the moves were challenging (since I have poor balance when it comes to yoga) but overall I was underwhelmed. I won’t be taking it again

I’d like to try some of the other Les Mills classes in the future. There are a variety of options, from step to spin, unfortunately I won’t get to try them until I settle down in California. Although Stanford has a phenomenal fitness center, I’m hoping to find an inexpensive gym where I can take classes since I find they keep me accountable.

What about you, what is your favorite workout class? Have you tried a Les Mills class?

Yesterday my SPIbelt giveaway ended and I selected a winner (with the help of Congratulations to Elise from PhD Strides, you’ve won the SPIbelt of your choice! Please e-mail or DM me the SPIbelt you’d like and your shipping information so I can get the belt to you tout de suite.

7 Links

I was absolutely flattered when Aron over at Runner’s Rambles nominated me to do the 7 Links post. I’ve never participated in a group post so I thought this would be fun.

My Most Beautiful Post

Going over some of my previous entries I remembered the amazing feeling I got after one run in particular. I was feeling horribly unmotivated that day, but forced myself out for a run. It was triumphant and reminded me why I love running. That was a beautiful feeling.

My Most Popular Post

People really chimed in when I explained Why I want to date a runner boy. I loved reading the stories about everyone’s supportive partners. I’m hoping that one day I can find a great partner who understands and respects my exercise habits.

My Most Controversial Post

Do I qualify? In the past I’ve struggled greatly with the idea that I am a “runner”. I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting the great support I received in response to this post. These days I am proudly asserting that I am a runner.

My Most Helpful Post

After getting an explanation from coach, I found it necessary to let everyone know about dew points and why they can be so brutal.

A Post Whose Success Surprised Me

After a particularly rough week I decided to get back on track by creating a list of things I really should stop doing. I can honestly say that these days I’m making better choices in my life (slowly but surely).

A Post I Feel Didn’t Get the Attention it Deserved

Running with my father has always been one of my favorite activities, although I’m not able to do it as frequently these days. My father isn’t the most enthusiastic runner these days and is struggling with a mental battle. I’m hoping that I can help him overcome when I return home next week.

The Post I’m Most Proud Of

By far this would have to be my race recap from my first marathon. Marathon Monday gives a slightly too detailed recap of my attempts at running Boston this past year. I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to run the marathon, it was one of the best experiences of my life.

Five bloggers I tag:

Sarah at Running on Words
Sara at Words to Run By
Melissa at Journey to Marvelous
Sarah at Sarah Snacks
Laura at Becoming the Odd Duck

So tell me, what are you most proud of?

24 Random Facts

Today is my 24th birfday, I’m officially old(er)! I strategically planned my last day of work so I had the chance to sleep in and enjoy myself. (Seriously, who wants to work on their birthday?) I woke up to find this lovely someecard from my friend in London, I thought it was very fitting.

Unfortunately I think today is way too hot and sticky to be in the real world, I'll stay inside...

In honor of my 24th year, I thought I’d share 24 fun things. Here is a little window into the randomness that is my life:

  1. I woke up and was ready for the day at 8am but forced myself back to sleep. When I was younger people knew not to call me before 11am since I was still in bed, these days I’m a morning person and wake up by 8am everyday.
  2. I weighed in this morning at my lowest amount in over six years. I’m pretty sure this will be ruined by dessert and drinks tonight/this weekend, yet I don’t think I mind too much.
  3. I’m still asking for a pony for my birthday, I think I’m wearing my parents down.
  4. Birthday presents are nice, but I tend to purchase the things I want without waiting for a special day. Sometimes, if I’m too cheap, I’ll send my parents an item and drop hints that they should purchase it for me. This is what I asked for this year.
  5. In high school I had a pool party every year. I always scheduled it at a fun time like 1:58pm, I’m not a fan of round numbers.
  6. On my 16th birthday I went to the shooting range with a friend and managed to get a hot shell down my top. Since then I’ve dressed more appropriately for shooting.
  7. For my 18th birthday my female friend took me to a strip club…
  8. For my 19th birthday I went skydiving with my father and brother. I was ready to go until the instructor tried to push me out of the plane, then it got pretty hairy.
  9. For my 20th birthday I earned my motorcycle license, the next day there was a motorcycle accident in front of my parents house. I have not ridden a bike since.
  10. I’ve always looked older than my age. People are often surprised to find out that I’m still a baby, apparently I’m mature for my age (or something like that).
  11. It didn’t help that I lied about my age until I was 18. I figured if I could pass as older, why not? Looking back I realize I should have enjoyed my childhood and not tried to speed it up so much.
  12. In my first week at college I got a real lesson about drinking – do not try to keep up with the boys. Even though I’m not the tiniest, I’m a light weight. Three drinks and I’m happily hugging everyone in the room.
  13. I played ultimate frisbee in college and can’t wait to find a new group to play pickup with in California. I’m not the best player but I’m passionate. That is what matters, right?
  14. When I found out I was moving, I spent days at work researching Palo Alto. I had to hold myself back from joining running groups three months in advance.
  15. In Columbus there is one Jewish young adult group, in Palo Alto there are about a dozen. I’m already signed up for a few of those.
  16. I’m planning to sneak into the Jewish Law Student events so I can meet a nice lawyer. What? I’m Jewish, it would only be fitting to date a lawyer (or doctor, or accountant for that matter).
  17. My dad used to tell me that I should marry for love, but if he is Jewish, he’ll pay for the wedding. My mother yells every time I tell this story. Her theory is that a man should worship the ground I walk on. I’m hoping for both.
  18. I still call my father for advice, when I’m uncertain of something it is nice to have his “go ahead”. I think I’ll be doing this late into my forties.
  19. On that note, my father is coming tomorrow to help me pack. I don’t think I could do it without his assistance, that man knows how to organize better than anyone I’ve ever met.
  20. My first love, who I consider to be one of my closest friends, will be living four miles away from me in California. Several people have reminded me not to get back together with him…
  21. After graduating from college I spent a month at home, it was dreadful. I may have had a nervous breakdown about starting my new life in Ohio. Hoping that doesn’t happen again.
  22. The two girls I consider my best friends are the greatest people in the world, even when I was whiny and freaking out about my move to Ohio they stuck by me. I’d like to believe I’d do anything for them.
  23. I’m scared beyond belief of moving and starting life as a graduate student. Some people say grad school is easier than undergrad, but I feel that my program may be more rigorous than I am expecting. What did I get myself into?!
  24. I was originally afraid to tell people I’m going to Stanford because I was afraid I’d sound pretentious. Now I’m learning I should be proud of it since I did get in after all. So on that note, did you know I’m going to Stanford next year?

Wow, it was harder than expected to come up with that list. And thank you if you managed to make it through each item, I apologize for being a bit verbose. Hope you are all having an amazing day!

How do you celebrate your birthday? Tell me one (or seven) fun fact(s) about you.