Praying to the Running Gods

In high school calculus, my friends and I used to pray to Thor – God of Math to prepare us for our exams. Let’s put it this way, I did really well that year. So now it is time to take a different approach, today I am praying to the Running Gods. Tomorrow I will be participating in kicking ass at the California International Marathon and I could use all the help I can get!

I am certain that I will finish, but I’d very much like a shiny new PR. Don’t get me wrong, that won’t be tough since I managed not to injure myself during training this time. Yet I haven’t exactly trained as I would have liked… I accomplished some long runs this past month, but on the other hand I haven’t gotten in the optimal weekday runs due to my work schedule. But ya know what? Today I’m throwing all of those worries and less than positive thoughts aside and mentally pumping myself up for the big day.

So, Running Gods, please keep my feet from throbbing, my calves from cramping, my knees from aching, my tummy from churning, my chest from chafing, and my mind from straying from a positive outlook. And please look kindly on some of my great friends that are also racing this weekend! (Check out Sarah who is running her first half marathon and Courtney who is going to rock CIM as well.)

Who else is racing this weekend? Tell me about your pre-race ritual!

About Michelle

I'm an engineer living (and running) in Palo Alto, CA.

Posted on December 3, 2011, in Running. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Good luck tomorrow! You’re going to do great! :)

  2. strawberryjamntoast

    Good luck! Looking forward to hearing about it :-)

  3. Good luck! I am sure you will do amazing! now, pray tell, which G-d do I pray to for anatomy class? or how about physiology class? ;)

  4. Congrats on the PR & so good to meet you this weekend! :)

  5. Can’t wait to hear how this went for you!! Hope your prayers to the Running Gods worked! We ran White Rock Marathon in Dallas this weekend and it was far from the weather we expected for our first mary, but we did it!!

    • Congrats to you ladies on your first marathon! I look forward to hearing how much you rocked your race! The Running Gods were kind to me, but they could really work on it for next time. :)

  6. I knew you would be fabulous! Miss you pretty girl!

  1. Pingback: San Francisco Marathon, here I come! « The Running Jewess

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